Primula is a company that designs various hydration products, from basic thermal bottles to ice tea pitchers. The thermal water bottle is the product I would like to talk about as it adds a whole new aspect to staying hydrated.
In general, the task of managing to drink enough water in a day can be daunting and often quite hard to do, as going back and forth to a tap to fill up a cup can be tedious. With this primalu bottle, the act of drinking water and staying hydrated can be desirable. This is due to the form and aesthetic of this bottle, it makes drinking water have more appeal because unlike a normal plastic water bottle, this product has a quality to it, therefore the act of drinking water feels like a more qualitative experience.
It can also be noted that the sustainability of this product also adds to its desirability. It makes an impact on the huge plastic bottle crisis that is ongoing with people buying plastic bottles with meal deals etc and these bottles get thrown away after a single usage.